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Product Market Fit

Accelerateyour innovation process significantly? Use the Product-Market Fit score!

At a certain point in the innovation process there comes a moment when a final choice has to be made from the remaining options (concept direction, design, range). Now it gets really exciting to make the right decisions!


Use the Product-Market Fit score. A score that contains all the important elements for a successful introduction. The concept direction is critically tested together with the design direction on the shelf. Of course compared to the competition.


In this way you quickly gain insight into the most volume-bringing combination. The highest score of course wins!


What does it yield:

  • Final choice for concept direction, design and assortment in 1 project

  • Future market shares and volumes per item on the shelf

  • Insight per item: Best, Better than average, Average, Question mark, Don't!



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Curious about how we can apply the product marketing fit score to your company? Please contact us!

More cases

If Italians are allowed to make their own ideal cheese, turnover will grow by 271%!

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Concept Creator

In the Netherlands, the lift factor for a promotion might be 4x higher than in Belgium


Promotion Analysis

The place on the shelf can determine the success of an introduction!


Shelf Analysis


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